About Amy Anderson

Amy Anderson, M.Ed, BCBA, brings over a decade of experience as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst specializing in autism and developmental disabilities in both children and adults. Her passionate pursuit of holistic and innovative therapeutic approaches was ignited by personal experience. When her son began neurofeedback therapy, the astounding improvements she witnessed, notably in his ADHD and ODD symptoms, inspired her to delve deeper into this groundbreaking field. As he successfully transitioned off medication, Amy realized the transformative potential of neurofeedback. This personal journey infused her professional life, leading her to incorporate neurofeedback into her practice. Amy is dedicated to providing a personalized, client-centered approach, striving to empower her clients by enhancing their understanding of their unique brain patterns. She believes that by nurturing the brain's innate potential to adapt and evolve, we can unlock doors to healthier and more fulfilling lives. Amy is excited to bring this transformative therapy to you and your family, as she continues to witness its life-changing effects. 

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